Our Mission
Together we will… Share God’s love, grow more like him and teach and serve others.
Together the people of The Crossing must be united in our mission. We believe that God chooses Spirit-filled leaders from among us to lead us. We also believe that every person of faith has abilities, given by God to benefit the church. Together, as both leaders and laypeople, we will serve God, one another, and the people of Oil City.
We will share Jesus’ love with our community by caring for our neighbor’s needs, serving our community, living in a way that brings honor to God, and sharing the good news about Jesus with all who are open to hear. We actively cooperate with other Christian churches and ministries to be God’s hands to Oil City, Franklin, and beyond.
The Christian life is a growing process. God expects us to become more like Jesus as we mature spiritually.
Therefore, we strive toward:
- joyful worship;
- passionate spirituality;
- a strong prayer base.
We will offer growth opportunities through:
- semester based life groups;
- relevant, biblical preaching;
- service opportunities.
The work of the church requires leaders and workers. Therefore, we:
- provide training that helps individuals discover their God given abilities;
- provide opportunities for people to use these gifts as they serve both in the church and the community;
- provide training opportunities at the church and connect with outreach ministries that can benefit our mission, being alert to where God would have us minister both our backyards and around the globe.